MLK Day of Service 2019
Packing food, cleaning up parks and rivers, making blankets and hats for sick children, going door to door in Florida to assess damage still present after Hurricane Michael. The AmeriCorps community was out in force yesterday, tackling service projects across the country in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Here are just a few snapshots of the impact you’re making:
Citizens volunteer to clean park for MLK Day of Service
“Americorps volunteer, Kaden Edgesten, said yesterday’s clean up efforts were all about honoring the legacy Martin Luther King Jr. left on communities across the country.” via the East Carolinian
Martin Luther King Day of Service is in Full Effect in Williamsport
“I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to do something not only just work a regular nine to five, I wanted to make a difference in my community and my neighborhood,” said Polk.
Attendance spikes at 2019 MLK day of service
“Martin Luther King is about bringing communities together, so the idea is that when you volunteer you bring people of all walks of life together that wouldn’t normally come together,” said Bitlaol. via The Guam Daily Post
Volunteers check on Millville residents during MLK Day
“Our goal is to talk to as many citizens as possible as we go door to door with questionnaires to gather information about the condition of their dwelling and their access to resources,” said AmeriCorps Goodwill GoodWorks! Director Samuel Jackson Jr., who coordinated the event. “Having this information will assist community leaders in building a comprehensive plan that best utilizes all resources.” via Panama City News Herald
MLK Day brings volunteers to local project
“Volunteers could also make no-sew fleece blankets. Marnie Pierce, 46, cut slits in the blankets to tie the two pieces of fleece together. Her 11-year-old daughter, Abby, worked alongside her on the floor. Pierce said MLK Day was a chance to mirror the work of the social justice leader.” via Frederick News-Post
Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the Chippewa Valley
“But positive movements are happening in the community today as the day of service had one of the highest turnouts they have ever had.” via WEAU 13 News